Resources for Young Writers
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Are you a Young Writer? Do you think of yourself as an author or want to become one? Do you want to know how to get published—and how to get better?
Being a writer is an avocation not a profession. It calls to you. It demands to be written. So you’re never too young to start taking it seriously. One of the best ways to become professionally involved is to enter your fiction, nonfiction, or poetry in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Many famous writers were first published in this contest. You first become eligible in 7th Grade. If your school is not already part of the program—and most aren’t—you’ll have to take it upon yourself to fill out the entry forms and submit your best writing.
This link will take you to the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Study every page. It’s a bit complicated and you’ll have to read all the rules, but if you stick with it you’ll get a clear idea of how what and where to enter.
Have patience, give it your very best, and you stand an excellent chance of succeeding.
Click the web address below to learn more…
Check out the Scholastic Website about Rod Philbrick
If you’re writing a report about one of Rodman Philbrick’s books or working on a related project, this might be a helpful source of information!
Video Interview with the Author